On void the space travellers find some problems such as:
It is not possible to control the ship;
There is no way to survive on void.

Ship control
On space there is no atmosphere, so we can not control the ship using the air resistance to change ship course. To control the ship on space, scientists use 2 different tools:
Sensors are for determining where the spacecraft is pointed, how fast it is turning, and how its speed is changing. Pilots use the celestial corps to navigate, for example the relative position of the ship to the sun, or earth.
Control devices are for changing the spacecraft's pointing direction, rate of turning, and speed. With these devices we can make the ship rotate around itself but we can not change the ship course.
To prevent the ship from crashing against other planets, rocks and space trash, scientist use gravitational field meters and magnetic field meters to detect those objects.​
Survive on void
On void there is no atmosphere and due to that, lifeforms can not breath.
To live in void would be needed a way to produce not only oxygen but an entire atmosphere with all the gases that exist on earth atmosphere.
Besides that we could not find any food or water to survive and to produce them we need time, space and resources.
One other problem is the risk of a crash:
As we can not control the ship on void we could be affected by other planets gravitational forces and due to that crashing against them, or against rocks or space trash.